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Ian Elford
Jul 28, 2024
In General Discussion
Hi Thank you for connecting We just wanted to inform you about our brand new board game called "Driven For Success," currently being sold in New Zealand, which supports New Zealanders with passing their theory driving test. In 2015, we were part of a team educating people in the community who were finding studying for their driving theory test, and within a 24-hour period, his board game” Driven For Success” was designed. One focus as a company is the engagement with public sectors throughout New Zealand to support the education of road users and make roads a safer place to drive. We identified that not having a driving license has been a stumbling block for people in the community, resulting in low esteem, unemployment, and re-offending with driving offending being a contributing factor. The concept and structure of the game is the first of its kind in New Zealand. There is no other like it. Driven for Success is guaranteed to be competitive and fun, while at To date, we have sold over 1020 games (94 of those being schools and colleges and 8 prisons) throughout New Zealand. All are proactively seeking to use the game in their facilities to further support education, and this continues on a regular basis. Our game is on sale in two reputable retail outlets with Paperplus and Whitcoulls, respectively, in New Zealand, as well as being available online with and other game board shopNew Zealand. Our aim is to go "big" and make our game (as well as other board games in the pipeline) a global success. We are an independent company and are seeking funding and advertising support to make our success your success. We are in the process of pushing our game through to Australia and the United Kingdom and believe the market there after to be United States of America. Our promotional content has seen us on two TV channels in New Zealand promoting our game as well as news media radio and podcast interviews The market for our games is endless, ranging from youth clubs, church education schools, colleges, prisons, retaillers, driving schools, and the community giving all the knowledge to become better and safer drivers while at the same time playing our game in a fun and interactive way with friends and family. Feel free to check out our links below with our progress and topics of our ongoing progress We look forward to hearing from you soon should yiucfeel our product is something to benefit specific requirements you may be looking for. Thank you again for your time and consideration Kindest regards Ian Elford CEO Driven to Success Limited Driven For Success Facebook DRIVERS EDUCATORS CONFERENCE POWERPOINT 2022 Further topics 1.2022- Jan A podcast with legendary Wil Fleming Please Blow My Mind available to listen on Spotify or our Facebook page link 2 . 2022- Jan A media interview was completed with 3.2022- Feb Seven Sharp article airing footage below 4.2022- Dec social driving Academy " In the Hot Seat" 5.2023- Jan Rap promotion 6.2023- Feb TV AM Show interview 7.2023 -March Interview with Luke Howden Hokonui Radio Southland 2023 INTERVIEW 1 LUKE HOWDEN HOKONUI RADIO 2023 INTERVIEW 2 LUKE HOWDEN HOKONUI RADIO 2023 INTERVIEW JOHN HOWLETT POSITIVLEY MORRINSVILLE COMMUNITY RADIO 2023

Ian Elford

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